Last night voters approved the Greece Central School District capital projects to make district-wide renovations, build a new Transportation and Support Services Building and upgrade athletic facilities at all four high schools. The vote passed 2,836 to 653.
The $107.8 million project is the final phase of the District's long term capital project initiative and has a final completion date of 2025.
To prepare for this capital project, HUNT prepared facilities assessments studies and comprehensive plans of the athletic facilities and Transportation and Support Services Building.
The District retained HUNT to develop a master plan for resolving issues related to unsatisfactory athletic field conditions. These conditions mainly stem from space overuse and excessive demand, and the inability to take fields off-line to rest and regenerate between play. The plan also addressed improving general grading and drainage issues, as well as improving accessibility to the fields for both those with disabilities and for emergency vehicles.
Inventory and assessment of the existing outdoor facilities and resources let to recommendations by HUNT to improve the facilities. HUNT prepared field renderings to demonstrate these suggestions for the District and community voters.
In addition to preparing plans for the District's athletic facilities, HUNT designed a new Transportation and Support Services Building located off of Latta Road. The new facility was organized to house various departments including technology, buildings and grounds, transportation, facility planning and a professional learning center.
HUNT prepared several options for the District for this facility before deciding on the final plan in order to properly address their needs. A rendering was created to show the community voters the new parking lots and building plan.
We at HUNT are very excited to have been a part of the planning of these projects, and congratulate the District and the community for the successful start to a great project!