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Corning-Painted Post Elementary Schools Moderization

Corning-Painted Post’s recent district-wide capital projects have drawn widespread praise, with Superintendent Mike Ginalski, the C-PP community and facilities team being credited with leading a dramatic planning, design, and construction effort that has resulted in a visual appealing and operationally effective new program. While many of the highlights are on vivid display at the high school and middle school, a concurrent effort at the elementary schools are worth a snapshot too.

At Hugh Gregg the District can point to a number of successes, beginning with including the students in the visioning and concept phases. According to Superintendent Ginalski, a student-compiled “time capsule” was located on site for the enjoyment and education of future generations. Meanwhile, HUNT design and Welliver efforts led to the following improvements: the creation of a dedicated art and music room, school-wide security improvements, renovated main office and health and parent conference offices, technology infrastructure upgrades, and traffic patterns.

Severn Elementary School’s work also saw exterior site and traffic pattern improvements, and inside the building a new, larger cafeteria and kitchen has improved student life. An enhanced security system underpins a welcoming lobby. Furthermore, at Erwin Valley a classroom addition and secure main lobby have emerged, and security throughout the building has been improved by the walling in of open classrooms. Exterior upgrades at Erwin focused on the bus loop and outside parking outside, with a former gravel lot being paved.

“This five-year effort is the epitome of a team effort”, according to HUNT’s Principal-in-Charge Jeff Robbins, AIA. “In addition to Superintendent Ginalski, district partners, and the Welliver folks, I need to underline the effort of HUNT’s Reuben Kabithe, Executive Project Manager, Jacob Zurlick, Scott Cyr, Ethan Smith, and Andrea Acevedo. We are excited about aiming this same team and energy at the district’s other three elementary schools too – Frederick Carder, Calvin U. Smith, and Winfield Street. Each of those already have either Phase 1 completions and are in the bidding process.”

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