Guthrie Healthcare Systems constructed a new hospital and medical office buildings in the Town of Corning, NY which required extension of the East Corning Road in addition to various internal access drives. East Corning Road, the primary thoroughfare to the hospital complex, was extended nearly 1,800 feet along with associated lighting, signage, striping and storm water drainage meeting the NYSDEC’s requirements. East Corning Road was elevated nearly six feet to accommodate local floodplains and this bulk earthwork was coordinated with specialized geotechnical resources.
The Hospital complex utilized nearly 6,000 feet of internal roadways to provide ingress and egress for passenger traffic in addition to frequent large delivery vehicles. During the design of the roadways, underground utilities were carefully planned around the roadway infrastructure. This minimized placing utilities within the roadway footprint with the creation of designated utility corridors. This minimizes future operation and maintenance issues and costs. Internal roadway design also included lighting striping, storm water, vehicle turning movement analysis as well as coordinating placement of large wayfaring signs to eliminate sight distance impacts.
Site/Civil design work included a new water storage tank and municipal system extension, a new wastewater lift station and resulting two-mile force main, helipad, off-street parking areas, green storm water management practices and lighting design.
HUNT coordinated with the client and agencies to obtain the necessary local and state approvals, including working through the SEQRA process for archeological, wetland and environmental issues, and dealing with access issues to the site.
Guthrie Healthcare Systems
Corning, NY
Site/Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Electrical Engineering